According to the Quonahassitis Indians, an evil spirit called a Hobomock inhabits the granite ledge just a mile off Cohasset, Massachusetts. These demons have massive, jagged teeth that they use to damage ship hulls, and devour their victims. It’s believed this type of evil entity is haunting two lighthouses in the area. One of which, was the site of the biggest lighthouse disaster in U.S. history.

Boston Light was erected to prevent the already astounding shipwreck count from increasing (and banish the boat-biting demon). Some say the creature is still hard at work; claiming the lives of sailors, and cursing the Keepers of the Boston Light and nearby Minot’s Ledge Light.
Now the lighthouses themselves have hauntings of their own – all believed to be the ghosts of Light Keeper’s past.
George Worthylake, Boston Light’s first Keeper, drowned along with his wife and daughter when their boat capsized while heading to the lighthouse in 1718.
The same tragic fate befell the second Keeper. Robert Saunders lasted a few days on the job before he (and another man) drowned after capsizing in route back to the lighthouse. It was starting to appear the place was cursed…

There’s An Area Called The “Ghost Walk” Where No Sound Can Penetrate.
Even curiouser, they discovered an area about six miles to the left of Boston Light that seems to have a barrier against sound waves. Dubbed the “Ghost Walk”, any ship that wanders into the region this phenomena occurs cannot be warned of danger. They won’t hear fog horns or bells tolling. This auditory anomaly even had MIT researchers perplexed. Sound is simply unable to penetrate this invisible force.
This bizarre phenomena could be accountable for a sizable number of the accidents and deaths that have occurred near the lighthouse, going as far back as the 1780s! Many blame the Hobomock demon for cursing the lighthouses and the waters they illuminate.
Could The Evil Entity Haunting Minot’s Ledge Lighthouse Be The Reason It’s Labeled The “Most Dangerous Lighthouse in America?”

Two spirits now haunt the Minot’s Ledge Light after falling victim to the biggest lighthouse disaster in US history.
The Keeper, John W. Bennett left his two assistants (Joseph Wilson and Joseph Antoine) in charge the morning of April 11, 1851. An intense gale moved in from the northeast, preventing him from returning to his post.
Bennet had no choice but to remain on shore and watch as the storm battered the tower with the two men he’d left inside. The fog bell tolled continuously as the wind and waters raged.
The beacon went dark. The structure crumpled into the sea. The lighthouse was gone.
Antoine’s battered body washed up on Gull Rock Island’s shore. Wilson was found in Nantasket. He made it all the way to shore alive, but died of exposure and exhaustion anyway.
Two days after the disaster, a fisherman found a message in a bottle. In it were the Keeper’s final words. “The beacon cannot last any longer. She is shaking a good three feet each way as I write. God bless you all.”
A new lighthouse was built in 1860, and the evil entity haunting these lighthouses was ready for it. The Keepers brought in rarely lasted beyond a year. One Keeper went mad from sleep deprivation – the sound of the fog bell kept him up all night. No one else ever heard it, of course.
It seems just about every Keeper reported phenomena of some kind. Many complained of the fog bell ringing on it own, and several witnesses claim to have seen the figures of two men up in the lantern room.

Could all this tragedy be the spiteful Hobomock lashing out at those who invade its turf? Or is it all just a strange series of tragic events surrounding both, the Boston Light and the Minot’s Ledge Light?
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