A recently released video from Project Veritas has Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Jordon Trishton Walker, admitting some disturbing things. According to Walker, the pharmaceutical company has been planning to further mutate the virus so they can create more vaccines. In the 10-minute video (featured below) Walker details the ways in which Pfizer plans to create new strains and how they get away with it because the government is in their pocket. After three days, Pfizer’s response is a denial that reads more like a convoluted confirmation of Walker’s statements.
“One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right?” Walker says. “So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f***ing viruses.”
“Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone,” Walker says, just before detailing how the experiments work. “The way it would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.”
When comparison to gain-of-function is made, Walker insists it’s “Directed Evolution”
When the Project Veritas interviewer points out how this sounds like gain-of-function research, Walker insists it’s not quite the same, this is “directed evolution” of the virus … which is literally the exact same thing, though sounds decidedly worse. Even after pointing out how dangerous this kind of research is, Walker still laughs it all off and brags that COVID has and will continue to make Pfizer billions.
Pfizer’s Statement Friday Night Confirmed Gain of Function Research While Denying it
The video was posted Wednesday (1/25/23). Numerous media outlets reached out and even Senator Marco Rubio sent a letter to Pfizer CEO AlbertBourla regarding the claims made in the video. Pfizer waited to release their statement until Friday night, right in the middle of the Tyre Nichols protest coverage. An obvious attempt to bury one story with another.
The statement simultaneously rebranded, confirmed, and denied Gain of Function research. So it appears Walker’s claim that Pfizer employs a “revolving door” of Government officials is also true.
While they prefer simulations, there are those limited number of cases where they just have to engineer viruses themselves. In vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken with SARS-CoV-2 and Nirmatrelvir (an antiviral medication). Which means they’re engineering the virus and exposing it to antivirals to experiment with its’ resistance.
If a virus mutates too much, antivirals won’t recognize it
A virus can stop responding to previously effective medications for no reason as it is, tampering with strains for no reason other than the desire for additional profits is more than unethical, it’s dangerous. Once Antiviral resistance occurs the virus has evolved past the treatment option – it won’t respond to the medication at all.
All this, to asses antiviral activity in the cells of something that wouldn’t exist if they hadn’t created it. No need to worry though. It’s all locked up tight in their BS Lab. Oh sorry, (BSL3 Lab) Biosafety Level 3. Nothing ever gets out of those right? I mean that doesn’t just happen. Oh wait, isn’t that exactly how we got in this situation in the first place? Pfizer’s Director of R&D, Jordon Walker certainly seems to think so.
How did Project Veritas get this confession in the first place?
The Project Veritas whistleblower is supposed to be on his third date with Walker at the time of the video. Which, we find out later in the footage from Walker. Once this undercover investigator gained enough of Walker’s trust, he couldn’t stop bragging about the atrocities at work. Once they had enough footage, James O’Keefe and other Project Veritas team members came out with cameras to confront Walker…
And that’s when Walker lost his mind. Which is another 10 minute video well worth watching.
Not only does Walker deny everything, he physically attacks James O’Keefe and the Project Veritas staff. In an act of desperation, he attempts to steal an iPad, then destroys it – which he thinks has the only footage of him on it. It’s pretty spectacular. At one point, he even throws himself across it and tries to oddly “scooch” away with it. I’ll admit, I’ve re-watched that part a few times and it hasn’t stopped being hilarious yet.
Walker somehow thought he was the victim in all this.
He decided to call the police to have the Veritas crew arrested for filming in a public place and asking questions. Walker insisted the doors stay locked to keep the crew inside (against their will). At one point you can hear Walker say into the phone “there are one, two, three, four, five white people… please bring the cops as soon as possible. I’m feeling very unsafe right now.” Like he was dragged into a klan meeting. As if he wasn’t an evil mad scientist that literally just admitted to mutating viruses for profit – while laughing about it the whole time!
Throughout Walker’s meltdown he 1. commits assault 2. theft 3. destruction of personal property 4. false imprisonment (he has them locked in the restaurant) 5. Jumps in front of cars to keep them from leaving the parking lot … all to get this footage back.
James O’Keefe left before police arrived, however one Veritas Journalist stayed behind and caught the aftermath. After showing police the footage, they confirmed Walker could be arrested – if O’Keefe were still there. He didn’t want to come back and press charges. Everyone left. They probably figured Walker’s day had been bad enough … plus, they had all this footage to go upload.
He broke a ton of laws on camera, obviously violated his NDA at Pfizer, & is a monster in the eyes of the public.
Here’s the video of Walker having a melt down:
Watch the full investigative video by Project Veritas here:
BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 26, 2023
“Don’t tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn’t create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest.”#DirectedEvolution pic.twitter.com/xaRvlD5qTo