Demonic possession is a topic that has been addressed by various religions and cultures across the world. Some of these creatures rule in hell, others hang out here on earth to stir up trouble for their own amusement, and then there are those particularly vile creatures that take control over humans and literally turn their world upside down.
In most cases, when one hears the word ‘possession’ Satan springs to mind, but there are quite a few more demons out there who (if one believes the lore) are far more likely to run around possessing people than Lucifer is… because let’s face it, he’s got better things to do.
No matter who the demon is, the act of demonic possession takes some time. The demon spends months haunting and oppressing their victim– wearing them down physically, mentally, and spiritually so they can break their will to fight back and slip right in. Then the havoc begins. This list contains some of the worst demons and some insight into how demons wreck your life.
1. Agares

Agares is a demon of Christian demonology, said to rule the eastern region of hell with 31 legions of demons under his command and the ability to cause earthquakes. Agares speaks many languages, but he only focuses on teaching profanities and ethnic slurs to those he “teaches” or takes possession of. Strangely enough, he is depicted as an elderly man riding a crocodile of all things, with a hawk on his fist.
2. Aka Manah

Zoroastrian mythology speaks of Aka Manah, who also goes by the names Akem Manah, Akoman, and Akvan. He is the demon of evil intention, his name loosely translates to “mind made evil” and that’s exactly what he does while inside a human host. His purpose is to corrupt the mind and destroy all morals. He is said to prevent people from doing any good in the world, influencing them to let evil prevail. Whether it’s displaying an indifference to daily responsibilities or blatantly ignoring large-scale moral obligations to help someone who is injured or at risk of being killed, Aka Manah plants seeds of evil in the mind and sits back to watch them grow.
3. Azazel

Azazel is known as the father of possession since he is the demon responsible for discovering and ‘perfecting’ the act. In ancient Jewish tradition, two goats were brought to the tabernacle on the Day of Atonement. One to be sacrificed to for Yahweh (presented alive) and the other was sent to Azazel laded with the sins of the people. This is where the term “Scape Goat” comes from– one goat to take all the sins of man away. Azazel, as king of se’irim, (which were ancient goat spirits) was said to take the sins. So he was depicted as an important adversary to the lord long before Christianity introduced the name Satan into the mix. Some even believe Azazel and Satan are the same entity.
According to the lore, Azazel was once imprisoned, driven mad, and literally tore his spirit from his physical form to escape. It was while roaming bodiless that he discovered he could take over humans by force and he soon perfected the technique demons are said to use today.
4. Jikininki

While some cultures believe demons are entities that were never human, some feel those who were evil in life will become demons in their afterlife. A type of demon from Japanese Buddhist mythology known as a Jikininki, come from the spirits of those who were greedy, selfish, and ungodly people. They were cursed to spend eternity in self-loathing, feeding on the flesh of human corpses.
While most demons enjoy their evil existence, the Jikininki, are miserable and are more than willing to take other people down with them, if one of them has a target their only goal is to make that person’s life a living hell.
5. Pazuzu

In ancient Babylonian and Assyrian mythology, the beast Pazuzu (sometimes called Fazuzu) was king of the wind demons and the bringer of storms, droughts, and famine. He’s also known to send various diseases and pestilence into homes. His most famous work, however, was co-starring (in name only) with Linda Blair in “The Exorcist.” That’s right folks, he was also the bringer of pea soup.
However, while Hollywood may have voted him a likely “possession-risk”, he performed some good deeds in the ancient world. Some refer to him as a demon-god, as oxymoronic as that sounds. His image was once worn around the necks of pregnant women as a ward against Lamashtu, the childbirth demon. And if that failed, he’d be summoned to banish Lamashtu back to hell.
In ancient Mesopotamia, demons were believed to be sent by the gods on occasion, to scare people straight and bring about deserved punishments.
6. Lamashtu

Sumerian and Mesopotamian mythology tells of the demon Lamashtu. She is known for unleashing a wide variety of hellish torments. Hers is more of a “demonic oppression” case. She terrorizes women throughout their pregnancies and steals babies so she can chew their bones and drink their blood.
She also kills crops, contaminates water, and enjoys wreaking as much havoc as possible. Anyone suffering from oppression or possession by this entity will experience terrifying nightmares and various sleep disturbances. This demoness is so terrifying that it was said a pregnant woman would go so far as to summon the fearsome demon, Pazuzu in hopes of protection.
Now, he wouldn’t protect them from her out of the kindness of his black heart, those two just hate each other so much they’d be far too busy bloodying each other up to focus on mere mortals.
Lamashtu is most often depicted as having a hairy body, the head of a lioness, donkey teeth and ears, and bird feet complete with talons. Often she is shown nursing pigs or dogs and kneeling on a donkey.
7. Asag

Asag is a demon from Sumerian mythology with a strange history with mountains. The sexual deviant somehow had little demon rock babies with a mountain and they grew up to become his personal army. He is said to be such a vile and hideous creature that his presence causes fish to be boiled alive in rivers. As far as his effect on humans goes, he causes great physical pain and sickness.
8. Andras

Andras is said to be an incredibly violent demon and commander of thirty legions. Sometimes he takes the body an angel with the head of an owl and rides on the back of a black wolf. Once inside the mind of a human, he escalates pre-existing problems, whispering thoughts of violence and various ways of killing people into his victim’s head. His mission is to create discord and slaughter those who cross him. Which is where his title “Author of Discord” comes from.
9. Abyzou

Abyzou sprang from Jewish mythology and she also goes by Abizou, Obizu, Obizuth, Obyzouth, and Byzou. It’s believed this demoness is infertile and pretty angry about it. Now, out of bitterness and jealousy, she’ll slither her way in and cause miscarriages and stillbirths. She is often described as having scales and various snake-like qualities.
10. Vapula

Vapula is mentioned in Christianity. He’s said to be a duke of hell and high commander of numerous legions of demons. He is crafty and well versed in philosophy. So, if it’s true that demons share their knowledge with human hosts, those possessed by Vapula may suddenly find themselves quite clever but also full of distrust. His favorite pastime is deception so it’d be pretty easy for him to make his vessel paranoid about the motives of others– A pretty good way to lure the lamb away from the herd.
Vapula is often described as large and intimidating, with the body of a lion, and the head and wings of an eagle.
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