Aaron Goodwin of Ghost Adventures, is currently facing a devastating horror story. On March 6, 2025, his wife Victoria Goodwin, was arrested in Nevada on charges of solicitation to commit murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Who was the target? Her husband – Aaron Goodwin.
What evidence do police have against Victoria Goodwin?

According to the police report she’s been conspiring with convicted murderer Grant Amato since October 2024. She gave the impression that she was in love with the inmate and felt her husband “would not accept divorce.” She reportedly shared Aaron’s filming schedule and locations to facilitate the hit. A third party was brought in by Amato to carry out the hit. Reports reveal Victoria allocated $11,515 for the assassination, and paid $2,500 upfront. Thankfully, Florida prison officials confiscated Amato’s phone and uncovered incriminating messages.
In a message Victoria asks, “Am I a bad person? Because I chose to end his existence. Not divorce.”
Victoria is denying the accusations, claiming she “does not recall” sending messages about the murder plot and insists the money was intended for purchasing cell phones. She described herself as previously “daydreaming of being in a different situation,” but she “no longer felt that way.”

Who is Grant Amato & how does Victoria Goodwin know him?
Grant Amato is currently serving a life sentence in a Florida for killing his family. The case was featured in the true crime documentary “CTRL+ALT+DESIRE.” He became obsessed with a cam girl on the Internet from another country. He kept sending her hundreds of thousands of dollars – much of which was stolen from his family. When his family tried to intervene he killed them. Victoria told police she watched the documentary and became penpals with Amato. Eventually, they began communicating over the phone.
It appears the hit was intended to have already happened.
Messages between Amato and hitman while Aaron was filming in California reveal that at least one attempt had already been underway. Text sent from Amato’s phone reads: “He’s asleep right now in the hotel room … I need to know what’s going on. Can I get an update. Was it done?”

Aaron is said to be shocked, completely blindsided by the revelation.
The couple are practically still newlyweds, having just tied the knot in 2022. Aaron has yet to make a public statement, insiders report that he believed his marriage was stable and had no suspicion of Victoria’s alleged intentions.
His Ghost Adventures co-star Zak Bagans addressed the situation, stating:
“This is an emotional time for Aaron, and I’m just trying to be there for him, providing love and support.”
According to the police report, investigators determined that Victoria Goodwin “willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously” plotted to “commit the murder of” her husband Aaron Goodwin. She remains in custody with a $100,000 bond, awaiting her scheduled court appearance on Tuesday.
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