The Glimmer Man remains a mysterious and little-understood entity in the world of the paranormal. Despite a seeming uptick in sightings over the last few years, many questions still remain about its true nature and origins. For those who haven’t heard of the Glimmer Man, it’s a type of entity described as being transparent, yet shimmering, or glowing. It’s humanoid in shape, but lacks specific details or facial features. The name comes from the fact that it seems to glimmer in the light. It almost creates a ripple effect, like the invisible cloaking from the movie Predator – you can see its general shape and movement but not it.
Reports of Glimmer Man sightings were relatively rare, but seem to be increasing lately. Or people have just been coming forward more frequently. There are a number of firsthand accounts online, some dating back 10 to 20+ years ago. Many only felt comfortable sharing their experiences after finding out others have seen the same thing. Witnesses have reported feeling an overwhelming sense of dread when in the presence of a Glimmer Man. Some have also reported feeling like the entity was trying to communicate with them, but its intentions are often unclear.
Some people believe that these beings are spirits, while others think they may be some type of inter-dimensional beings or even extraterrestrial in nature. The Glimmer Man’s supernatural abilities include teleportation, levitation, and disappearing at will. The Glimmer Man is sometimes associated with other paranormal phenomena, such as UFO sightings, crop circles, and other unexplained occurrences. Some researchers believe that Glimmer Man sightings may be a manifestation of a larger paranormal phenomenon.
A Glimmer Man Visited This Illinois Woman Twice!
A woman from Illinois shared her two-time encounter with what she believes is the same Glimmer Man. This encounter was published in Journal News Online. It’s been lightly edited to highlight the encounters.

She was 5-years old when the first encounter occurred. It was fall, in southern Illinois, not too far from Cahokia mounds. She was looking for arrowheads at the edge of the woods behind her grandmother’s house.
“I had been out there for quite awhile because I remember I had a pretty decent size hole going, when something caught my eye up in the tree that I was next to. I almost don’t know how to explain it, but it looked like almost a heatwave coming off the branch of the tree. I’m staring at this “heatwave” and realize it has a human shape. So here I am, 5 years old, and wondering why there is an invisible man in the tree. I remember feeling scared but unsure what to do. Then it started moving and making a faint clicking sound.” She ran inside.
She went on to say it wasn’t until she was 12-years old and watched the movie Predator that she finally had an accurate description for the phenomenon she witnessed that day. The story fast forwards to 2004. She’s a grown woman with three children of her own. She moved into a new apartment on the outskirts of town with a small wooded area nearby.
“One night, I was up late doing laundry and stuff after the kids went to bed. I decided to take a smoke break before I went to sleep. I am back there on the porch and I started hearing this faint clicking sound.”
She initially expected another visit from a groundhog she’d encountered: “I didn’t see any groundhog or movement from the ditch, so I go back to smoking my cigarette. The faint clicking sound keeps happening and a slight shift of movement makes me look up into the tree to the left of my porch. It’s there! The same invisible thing I had seen when I was five. It is like a distortion and in a humanoid shape. Crouched down on the branch with an arm out holding on to the trunk of the tree. I couldn’t believe it. I was like, ‘Is this happening?’ Has it come to kill me for seeing it all those years ago?”
She ran inside her apartment, locked all the doors and windows, and turned off the living room lights. Then she attempted to get a stealthy glimpse out the darkened living room window. Nothing was there.
Just as I was finally talking myself down, my neighbor’s dog comes running across the yard and starts barking at the tree at the same branch that I had seen this “predator” thing. That pretty much freaked me out because this dog was not a barker. I actually have never heard him bark at anything, even at the groundhog that had been hanging out at the ditch.
This barking went on for a few minutes until I hear the neighbor lady who owns the dog call him back inside. The dog reluctantly turned to go back home, stopping every few feet to look back at the branch of the tree, until he was out of my sight. I didn’t sleep that night and have never seen anything like it again. I don’t know what to think of it.”
The following stories were shared on Reddit: r/HighStrangeness and r/GlimmerMan. (Some quotes were edited for clarity).
I Think I Saw A Glimmer Man

Posted by u/OdinsRaven1976 “Last night, February 19th, I was standing at my back door getting fresh air. It was raining and I stood for about an hour. Around 1:30am, I noticed the sound and atmosphere changed. It went completely silent when I just got a feeling to look to my right and I saw 2 bright white eyes, and they disappeared quickly almost as soon as I saw them.
The more I looked in that direction, I could make out the outline of a human like figure, but I could see through it, and I watched it move slowly across my garden. I lost track of it but then heard three thumps but not loud thumps as if it climbed the fence and left. It gave me no weird feeling of fear it was if it just came to have a look at me then left. I’m 46 and never seen anything like this. This was in Scotland.”
Glimmer Man Sighting Back In Late 2000.

Posted by u/jstrotha0975. “Back in 2000, I was in the Air Force as a Security Police Augmentee. There was a shortage of security police and I was made into a temporary Security Police Officer at a base in the Southwest, U.S. I was patrolling the National Guard side of the base with another Airman when we saw that the lights were on in an office building we had just passed moments before and the lights were off. We went inside. There was a long hallway and out of one of the rooms, a big invisible predator-like creature came out and started moving rapidly toward us.
The Airman, ahead of me by about 10-feet, moved over and made himself flat against the wall as it passed him. This thing was coming right at me and I froze. The Airman yelled “get out of the way” and I did at the last second. I saw this thing move past me rapidly and there was a strong gust of wind behind him after he passed me. It just disappeared about 2-feet past me. Whenever I tell someone they don’t ever believe me. I’m glad there are other people in this world that have seen something similar and I’m not crazy.”
Glimmer Man In The Bedroom.

Posted u/ComprehensiveRow3402. “In my second floor condo in San Diego several years back, I was reading in bed and looked up to see a very tall, 6-7 foot, lanky man made out of a heat mirage. He looked like the rest of the room but was solid enough to make out his form. I looked up to see him at the foot of my bed. He walked up the side of my bed. Over to the bookcase at the head of the bed. Knocked twice and was gone. His arms seemed to swing in slow motion as he walked.
It lasted 10-15 seconds, which felt like forever, but was also over so fast I could barely react in my shock. It made no sense to me whatsoever why he’d even be there. He didn’t have any kind of evil feeling to him like other entities I’ve encountered.
Near where I lived, there’s a cave fenced off with security. It’s also near a murder scene. San Diego is on the 33rd parallel and it seems like a hotspot for general weirdness. I had paranormal experiences (at least 20) in 2 of the 4 houses I lived in there. Each different from the others, which was frustrating. No rhyme or reason. Only one glimmer man experience.”
Translucent Entity In My Bedroom.

Posted by u/de_r3sistance. “Two nights ago, I woke up in my bed feeling like there was someone in my room watching me. I checked my house alarm system and everything was normal. So I just figured it was my imagination. I laid back down facing the other side of my bedroom when I saw a translucent figure of a person standing next to my bed facing me.
I can best describe it as the way the Predator looked with a shimmering nature to it. While I didn’t feel like it intended harm to me, I was freaked out. So – as lame as this sounds – I grabbed my pillow and threw it toward the entity. At that point, it was just gone. In a convo tonight with a friend, I told him this, and he told me about Glimmer Man and this sub, which I’d never heard about before. It’s crazy to read that so many people have seen something that they describe exactly as what I saw. I’m still processing it but wanted to share it here.”
Sighting In Tasmania.

Posted by u/Marauding-thunderer. “When I was a teenager a group of friends and I would hang out in my bestie’s house in the coastal community of Badgers Head, Tasmania. His mother had started dating one of four neighbors. She moved in with him and left us teens to live in the house she was no longer using. We’d surf everyday and maybe do some woodcutting for beer money and spend the evenings just chilling.
We’d maybe broken an ax (can’t remember why it was so short) but we decided it would be fun to practice throwing it at a nearby pine tree. After a while we all settled down on the pine needles in front of the house to hang out. It was about 10:00 pm. In this small community there was a single street light – it was an otherwise pitch black bush setting. This lamp shone down on the course gravel road in a conical beam. As I watched moths fly in-and-out of the beam, I noticed a tall figure standing just inside the light. It looked like a featureless humanoid that was transparent. Like the maximum decay of a floating soap bubble, just before it pops, thin. Barely perceptible.
In fact, if it were in the dark I’d have seen nothing at all. I crouched down behind the pine needle bank to hide from it, the guys did the same. Having not seen it yet, they were asking what I had seen. I pointed it out. In a scared frustrated tone I hissed, “There!” They finally saw it. The figure must have become startled. It moved, kicking a large rock towards us. We all rushed inside freaking out.
The next day we saw where the stone had nested into the ground. Still wet and dirty halfway up. Trying to dislodge another such stone proved difficult. What’s more we found large 3 toed footprints in the softer loose sand.
Funny thing was, having learned how to see them I could make them out all the time. We asked Judy’s boyfriend about it, a long term local and he told us that he saw ufos in the area pretty regularly. I’ve seen the entities all along the Tamar River.”
I Think It Was Surprised.

Posted by u/Lucky_Sky_1048. “I was going out to start my car this morning and saw a blurry man. It was at least 6 feet tall. I stepped off the porch and it was looking in my car, it seemed like. I was 4 feet from it. You could see its feet imprinted in the grass. I think I said ‘wtf’ or something. It turned its head, looked at me I think, and ran across the yard. It was running really, really fast like cartoonish almost – just gone. Anyway not a great story but it freaked me out. A friend of mine lived about a half mile from me. He described the same thing to me a few years ago. Except he chased it…he said it was way too fast. Wtf are we seeing? I guess it lives in the area .
I Just Got Chills – I Can’t Tell You How Relieved I Am Other’s Have Seen This Too:

Original Poster u/spawnofspace. This OP was on a trip visiting mom’s friend and their kids in Lake Orion, Michigan. They were 13-years old and the time and it was 4th of July weekend. They were out late and some of the kids decided to ding-dong-ditch a few houses. After about 5 houses they pressured the OP to participate. The target was a smaller white house: “I walked up and there was no door bell, so I walked back. They told me to ‘just knock then!’ As someone who didn’t want to kill the fun, I went back and knocked. Only to find they had already taken off running.”
After catching up with the others, they said a face was in the window. The house was notorious for being haunted. Spooked and exhausted: “I looked behind me to see if there was anything scary following us and I saw this figure that I have always described as looking made out of water. A humanoid figure translucent, that makes the background behind them wavy and has a defined outline. I figured my mind was playing tricks on me and just kept walking, joking around with the others, looking back every-so-often.”
“It was following us and I could see it under the street lamps every so often. The leader kid, who wanted to ding-dong-ditch houses, looked to see what I was looking at and exclaimed to his friend ‘do you see that?!’ and took off running. My friend looked back and took off running, and I was again left running after them. We ran all the way back to his house, probably three miles. No sign of it behind us anymore, but I have never been so shook or scared in my entire life. I was inconsolable.”
I was scared for a while I would see it again and find out it had been following me the entire time. It’s been over 10-years now and I’ve never seen anything like that again. I’ve never been able to find anything like it searching for hours on the internet, until now.”
I Think I’ve Had A Glimmer Man Visit My House.

Posted by u/Cultural-Issue798. “I saw what I described as a cloaked predator-like entity or someone that appeared like those ‘magic eye’ 3d illusions. It was made up of the background, it was sitting on a chair, but I could see its form. I saw it for a few seconds then it was gone.
I didn’t tell anyone in my family as I didn’t want to scare my children or for my husband to think I’m nuts. Anyway, sometime later my daughter said she has seen something that looks like someone in an invisibility cloak a couple of times. Our descriptions were very similar but our descriptions come from different films we have seen (Predator and for her Harry Potter).
I wasn’t scared at all when I saw it, I thought it was quite exciting and cool tbh. I had a feeling it was more an inter-dimensional entity than anything ghostly or big footed – I live in the UK in a town, not near any woods.”
Saw A Weird Translucent Or Transparent Figure In My Yard.

Posted by u/BestSuggestion0. “This happened about 2-3 years ago. I was standing on my porch with my brother in law. There was a light rain at the time and we were watching the rain just talking. Then from a tree in my front yard I saw something fall. It looked the way Predator looks in the movie when he’s invisible, but it was small like 2-3 feet tall. I could see through it but could see that there was something that looked humanoid in shape from what I could tell.
When it fell, it landed on its knees, then got up and ran right towards the gate in my front yard. Not to the gate entrance but the middle of it where it’s just closed. After it went toward the gate idk if it just disappeared or went through it, but I just didn’t see it anymore. I thought to myself, nah I’m just seeing things. But then my brother-in-law said ‘did you see that?’ I asked him what he saw. I didn’t want to say what I saw, because I wanted to hear him explain it first. He had just seen exactly what I saw. I said, ‘I saw the same thing.’ That was strange. Has anyone ever seen something like that before?”
I was walking in the Bankhead National Forest today with my son and a friend and we kept hearing something walking near us in the woods. I caught sight of a glimmering creature. Actually I think I ended up seeing around 50 of them total. They were in the trees, bushes, crossed the road in front of us. They made knocking and clicking sounds. One that was very small came within a few feet of me, it seemed very curious. I bent down and started talking to it. It was kinda hiding behind a tree, like it was afraid of me, but still curious about me. At some point it brushed against my hand and left like a small clay like print on my right pinky finger. When we went to leave, I could feel it following me. It touched the car and left three finger prints near the door handle. It was small, maybe three foot tall, all I could see was an outline of it glimmering, like the way predator looked, but nothing actually like predator. If that makes sense. I wasn’t afraid of it then. But this thing followed me home. I’ve heard it knocking around outside tonight. Earlier, I heard my screen door on the back porch swing open hard and I sat up and looked out. I saw it. But it was about five foot tall this time. And I’m very uneasy about it, to be honest. Has anyone else had one follow them home? Or has one done anything to harm anyone?