The Loch Ness Centre has partnered with the independent, voluntary research team, Loch Ness Exploration (LNE) to reignite efforts to find the great Loch Ness Monster, better known as Nessie. What they intend to do once they find her, has yet to be really delved into. Although, one can imagine a combination of screaming and pant-wetting, between intermittent bouts of fear-induced paralysis. Then Nessie will be gone again.
Calling All Monster Hunters!

What’s being called “The Quest Weekend” will take place over August 26, & 27th 2023. There is currently a call to action for all would-be Monster Hunters who would like to join the cause and help uncover the truth. You can find the sign up form here:
A search of this magnitude hasn’t occurred in Loch Ness since 1972. Although the investigation conducted back then, by Loch Ness Investigation Bureau (LNIB), didn’t have the advantages of today’s technology backing their efforts. Making the upcoming “Monster Quest” a bit more pioneering in that aspect.
As stated on the Loch Ness Centre website:
“Over the weekend, surveying equipment that has never been used on Loch Ness before will be enlisted to uncover the secrets of the mysterious waters. This includes thermal drones to produce thermal images of the water from the air using infrared cameras, as observing heat from above could provide a crucial component for identifying any mysterious anomalies. Finally, a hydrophone will be used to detect acoustic signals under the water, listening for any Nessie-like calls, as well as further technology in the hunt for the truth.”
There are various theories about the elusive Loch Ness Monster
It certainly sounds like an ambitious undertaking to say the least. There are various theories about the elusive aquatic creature, the first being that she’s interdimensional and not limited to the confines of Loch Ness. Another being that there are more of her kind. That being said, there could be multiple Nessie-like creatures discovered within depths of the Loch and beyond.
So, what do you think? Will the introduction of modern technology be a game changer in the search for irrefutable proof that Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster really exists?
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