“Sally Face” is a compelling indie game that stands out for its deep narrative, unique characters, and eerie atmosphere. It’s a journey through a dark and mysterious world that challenges players to uncover hidden truths while exploring complex themes.

Sal Fisher takes us through a story that unfolds over a series of 5 episodes, each delving deeper into Sal’s dark and twisted world. This episodic adventure game, created by Steve Gabry, seamlessly combines elements of horror, mystery, and psychological thriller.

Sally Face Video Game, Sal Fisher, Sally Face
Photo: Sal “Sally Face” Fisher Wiki Fandom

“Sally Face” Overview: 

The story follows Sal “Sally Face” Fisher, a boy with a prosthetic face, as he navigates a series of strange and often disturbing events in his life. Players experience these events through flashbacks and present-day sequences. The story’s episodic structure allows for gradual buildup and revelation of Sal’s past and the mysteries surrounding him. Making it a compelling experience for those who enjoy dark, emotionally intense adventures.

Sally Face

Sally Face Characters:

  • Sal Fisher (Sally Face): The protagonist with a mysterious past and a prosthetic face. He is sensitive, introspective, and perceptive.
  • Larry Johnson: Sal’s best friend and a key figure in unraveling the mysteries.
  • Todd Morrison: Another friend who is intelligent and scientifically inclined.
  • Ashley Campbell: Sal’s friend who often assists in investigations.
  • Mrs. Gibson: A recurring character who adds to the game’s eerie atmosphere.

Themes explored in Sally Face:

“Sally Face” is a complex, dark, and emotionally charged story that explores themes such as trauma, mental illness, death, and the supernatural. 

Sally Face episode 1
  • Trauma and Healing: Sal’s journey is marked by personal loss and struggle to cope with a traumatic past.
  • Friendship and Loyalty: The bonds between Sal, Larry, Todd, and Ashley are central to the story, highlighting the importance of friendship in overcoming adversity.
  • Supernatural and Occult: The game weaves supernatural elements and occult practices into its narrative, creating a chilling and mysterious atmosphere.
  • Mental Illness and Perception: The game explores how mental illness affects perception and reality, often blurring the lines between what’s real and imagined.

Game Play:

  • Exploration and Interaction: Players control Sal as he explores various environments, interacts with other characters, and collects items to solve puzzles.
  • Puzzle Solving: The game involves solving intricate puzzles that often require critical thinking and attention to detail.
  • Narrative Choices: The game’s storyline is heavily driven by dialogue and player choices, affecting the outcome and progression of the plot.

Episode Summaries: **Spoilers**

Episode 1: Strange Neighbors

Sally Face Episode 1: Strange Neighbors
Sally Face Episode 1: Strange Neighbors

After the death of Sal’s mother, his father moves them into Addison Apartments. This is where Sal befriends his neighbors, including Larry Johnson. The episode introduces the eerie atmosphere of the apartment complex and sets up the central mystery involving a series of murders. Key Events: Sal discovers the apartment’s creepy basement, where he encounters ghostly apparitions and uncovers clues about the building’s dark history.

Episode 2: The Wretched

Sally Face episode 2 The Wretched, Haunted, red eyed demon,
Sally Face Episode 2 The Wretched

The story delves deeper into the secrets of Addison Apartments. Sal, Larry, and their friend Todd investigate strange occurrences and the death of a tenant named Mrs. Sanderson. They uncover a hidden cult and supernatural elements tied to the building. Key Events: The episode introduces a demonic entity known as “The Red-Eyed Demon” and reveals more about the mysterious cult.

Episode 3: The Bologna Incident

Sally Face Episode 3: The Bologna Incident
Sally Face Episode 3: The Bologna Incident

The narrative shifts to Sal’s school, Addison High, where students and staff start acting strangely. Sal and his friends investigate the school’s cafeteria bologna, suspecting it might be causing the odd behavior. Their investigation leads them to uncover a sinister plot involving human remains. Key Events: The episode explores themes of conspiracy and corruption, linking the school’s events to the larger narrative of the cult.

Episode 4: The Trial

Sally Face Episode 4: The Trial
Sally Face Episode 4: The Trial

The episode alternates between the present, where Sal is on trial for multiple murders, and flashbacks detailing the events leading up to the trial. The trial reveals Sal’s involvement in the deaths at Addison Apartments and the fight against the demonic forces. Sal’s childhood, friendships, and the tragic loss of his friends are further explored. Key Events: Sal is found guilty and executed, but the story hints at a deeper, unresolved supernatural conflict.

Episode 5: Memories and Dreams

Sally Face Episode 5: Memories and Dreams
Sally Face Episode 5: Memories and Dreams

The final episode ties together past and present events, providing closure to Sal’s story. Sal’s spirit, guided by his friends, continues to battle the demonic forces threatening the world. The episode reveals the true extent of the cult’s influence and the role of Sal’s friends in defeating it. Key Events: The episode concludes with a climactic battle against the demonic entity and offers a resolution to the mysteries surrounding Sal’s life and death.

It seems there are more chapters in Sal’s story…

Now, players can explore the Addison Apartments and uncover mysteries in a tabletop game based on the award-winning video game. Sally Face: Strange Nightmares was fully-funded within an hour of hitting Kickstarter.

Sally Face: Strange Nightmares, Sally Face 2, Sally Face Tabletop Game,

“Sally Face” has been praised for its storytelling, unique art style, and the emotional depth of its characters. It has garnered a dedicated fan base and positive reviews for its ability to blend horror with a touching narrative.

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