As if Balenciaga’s bondage-clad bears in the hands of toddlers along with court documents regarding child pornography wasn’t bad enough, the Balenciaga scandal doesn’t end there. There are also mannequins of children with genitals for faces and shopping bags of bloody baby items to contend with. What Balenciaga and parent company Kering stand for, couldn’t be any clearer. However, let’s break it down for anyone still “fuzzy” on the matter.

Swag bags full of blood splattered baby supplies just appeared on Balenciaga’s hell-scape fashion pit runway back in October 2022. In the Balenciaga S23 fashion show, models carried eerily realistic baby dolls and Balenciaga shopping bags. Inside those bags was yet another horror show.

This video was taken backstage at the Balenciaga S23 fashion show.
Inside the bags (given out after the show) were bloody baby items. All of which had blood splattered on them. Employees filled Balenciaga bags with baby items and sprayed a red blood-like substance all over them.
Blood splattered cloth diapers, blankets, pacifiers, and a little plush toy. All for the creepy, extraordinarily realistic baby dolls. So much for the brand’s claims to, “… strongly condemn abuse of children in any form. We stand for children’s safety and well-being.”
They paraded those bags of bloody baby items across the runway.
They shove it in everyone’s faces, yet, no one wants to believe it’s real. So it continues and by not objecting, they have your consent. They will always tell you. It’s part of their religious doctrine. They believe this makes them free of any karmic retribution.
They aren’t sorry about the ‘disturbing imagery‘. They’re sorry they got caught!
As photo director, fashion model booker, and top magazine editor, Olga Liriano pointed out to the New York Post. “Oh please,” Liriano said. “Demna doesn’t put out one image that he hasn’t approved. Demna is not only the creative director, he’s driving all the imagery behind the campaigns. To blame a production company is nuts.” There’s no denying Demna had final say. It’s curious that the entire brand’s instinct was to blame a third party production company and pretend the creative director had nothing to do with directing the creativity of these shoots. This isn’t an isolated incident, it’s a recurring pattern with Demna. It’s a pattern with Balenciaga since falling under the ownership of the Kering Group.

This is on par with Balenciaga’s history of sexual perversions and promotion of demonic themes. This is a company that considers a “gimp mask” fashion. It’s not fashion, it’s BDSM wear and it’s nothing new. So, not only are these disturbed individuals, they’re also unoriginal.

The company says it’s against all forms of child abuse, yet they’ll put BDSM gimp masks on them.
Make no mistake, this isn’t fashion, he isn’t being “edgy” it’s sexual. Balenciaga Creative director and Chief Executive Officer of Cédric Charbit, Demna actually referred to the masks as part of his own ‘sexual education’ in a New York Times interview. So why then, does he have no problem putting these masks on children? And why are the parents letting him?

“Bondage” is a perverse adult sexual practice – that’s literally the whole point. So who in their right mind would think it’s appropriate to have anywhere near children? It’s not funny, or fashion, or a joke or remotely ‘harmless’ to young minds that rapidly absorb everything around them. It’s abuse. Plain and simple. If the average joe had bondage gear on or around their kids, Child Protective Services would take them away in a heartbeat. But the “elite” can do it in public!

Where are you wearing this, other than to go dispose of a body?
They know damn well what their “clientele” are into and they’re catering to them. Why? Because they’re into that disgusting shit too! I mean, you hear about human trafficking and automatically think about people being taken. But have you ever stopped to think about who is buying them? Let’s put it this way, who could afford to buy them?

They have never stood for children’s safety and well-being.

Balenciaga, its parent company Kering and other subsidiaries have a history with demonic and pedophilic content (personally and professionally). Just take a glance at the Instagram pages of the top designers, stylists, and executives for Kering luxury brands. You’ll find a plethora of disturbing, sadistic content, all depicting various demonic themes and acts of child abuse.

Even past Balenciaga employees, like freelance stylist Lotta Volkova demonstrates the same dark behavior.
This behavior isn’t new, Lotta Volkova herself recently claimed to have not worked for the brand since 2017 in an “official” capacity. The brand brought in its’ current creative Director, Demna in 2015, so this has been going on at least since then. This evil is in their work and personal lives. Take a look at the screenshots of some of Lotta Volkova’s social media posts below…

Lotta posted this murder scene set in a child’s bedroom.
Lotta Volkova is a personal friend of Demna’s and does consult him on his current work at Balenciaga. She also works with ADIDAS, who has now partnered with Balenciaga. This entire campaign was a collaboration of these two brands. All of their hands are dirty. Since becoming a Kering brand in 2001 and brining Demna on in 2015, Balenciaga has worked with some truly dark and disturbed people.

High-fashion brand Gucci (also owned by Kering) is still under fire for child sex abuse allegations
The brand’s own heiress, Alexandra Gucci Zarini, came forward in 2020 to expose the sexual abuse she suffered. The abuse went on from the time she was 6-years old, until she was 22-years. She was abused by her mother, step father, and even her grandmother. The entire Gucci family covered it up.
“If you think this doesn’t happen here in Beverly Hills, then you should know that my perpetrator still lives in California, spends time at the Bel-Air country club and volunteers in your children’s hospitals.” Alexandra said in a video.
These families abuse their own children! Why would they care about the safety of anyone else’s?
Anyone spending money on Kering Group’s brands are in direct support of sexual violence against children. Harsh truth. This is what they spend their money on. The money customers spend on their ugly, overpriced crap is used to buy and abuse people. It’s used to shut people up. It’s used to cover up the disgusting shit they do. Just ask their kids!
Balenciaga has claimed they were taking legal action…. This is a smoke screen. Ignore it. Don’t buy their crappy products. Shut it down.

The brand stated they would be pursuing legal action against the “individuals” who placed the child abuse court documents in the image (they didn’t acknowledge all the other gross shit though). As if this all weren’t a provable, repeated pattern of behavior. It doesn’t matter who styled the set or where they rented the props. This was all pre-approved by executive creative staff members. The props were pre-ordered and the freelancers were hired in advance! It was all approved and it was 100% on-brand.
UPDATE: Balenciaga dropped the lawsuit against North Six Inc. and set designer Nicolas des Jardins. Just as predicted.

According top rep at The North Six, Balenciaga only served them with a summons, not an actual lawsuit. Every media outlet that reported otherwise and made excuses for Balenciaga is either incompetent or lying to help push the brand’s bullshit narrative. If The North Six wasn’t in on this painfully obvious smokescreen, they should immediately file a lawsuit of their own. Not only did Balenciaga drop the phony lawsuit, they actually think the worst is behind them regarding profit-loss. I expect everyone to prove them wrong about that. The worst for this brand and all Kering brands should have only just begun. They have no business being in business.
What’s the deal with the child mannequins with genitalia for faces?

François-Henri Pinault, the chairman and CEO of Kering, has a holding company, Groupe Artémis which owns Christie’s auction house. Among many things up for auction are mannequins of naked children (some of which are conjoined) with genitalia in place of other features. These disgusting creations are by brothers, Jake and Dinos Chapman. More images and information

They are trying to normalize a dark, depraved culture.
For some strange reason, Newsweek actually tried to come up with an excuse for this monster. Hmm I wonder why? They claimed that Pinault probably had little to no input about the ongoings at Christies… except that’s a blatant lie. Not only does he have input, he’s curated his own twisted collection. Named after him!

What is inside The François Pinault Collection?
A piece depicting a child being given to some deranged two-headed monkey demon, a swastika made out of middle fingers, and a sculpture of demonic skeletal figures called Sex III. All of this information has come to light on the heels of Balenciaga’s ad campaign featuring young children holding teddy bears in BDSM attire.
What was the Balenciaga scandal with the Bondage Bears?

Here’s a brief rundown of the child ad campaign scandal that prompted the deeper dive into this company and its affiliates. Balenciaga decided plush bears wearing harnesses and padlocked chokers are luxury fashion items. Then, they used child-models for the campaign photos. The cringey campaign features toddlers holding the bondage bears. On Balenciaga’s homepage a grown man held the key… presumably to the only locks on the page… the ones around the bear’s necks. Naturally, these photos sparked outrage – why would kids even be in the ads? Nothing in these ads are actually children’s products… Wine glasses? Spiked dog bowls? Clunky, ugly Balenciaga chain jewelry… like the world needs more of that.
Balenciaga & ADIDAS collaboration photos contain books & documents promoting child abuse, cannibalism, and demonic rituals.

Anyone dismissing these heinous little “easter eggs” as inconsequential background pieces, you only need look to past designs and the team’s personal social media pages to realize it’s been the underlying theme all along. This wasn’t an accident. Nothing about this multi-million dollar company and its campaigns are an accident.

The second ad was for the “hourglass” handbag from Balenciaga and Adidas collaboration. In it, there’s a desk littered with documents with the handbag directly on top of them. Featured prominently along with the handbag are court documents from United States v. Williams, the Supreme Court decision which criminalized the “pandering” of child pornography. There’s reference to Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition: A Supreme Court case in which the court struck down two provisions deemed “overboard” of the Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) of 1996 that banned “virtual child pornography.”
Balenciaga referenced the demon Baal in the campaign

Several of the photos included rolls of Balenciaga caution tape – the same worn by Kim Kardashian. One of the photos appears to contain a typo “BAAL-enciaga” across the tape. Just an accident right? Nope. Again, a quick trip to the stylist’s Instagram will show many posts of the demons Baal and Moloch along with hashtags #Baal and #Moloch used in the captions. They aren’t hiding the fact that they worship these demons. They advertise it. They’ve been telling the world for a long time, the world chose not to listen.

Who is Baal? Baal is a demon deified by the Canaanites

Baal (aka “Baal-zebub” and “Lord of the Flies”) was a demon worshipped as a god by the Canaanites. They would sacrifice children to him – often the first-born child- who they would incinerate alive. Many middle eastern cultures engaged in Baal worship. In Christianity Baal is a demonic figure, a false god.

The same image with the BAAL-enciaga” tape, is littered with symbolism that those dubbed “conspiracy theorist” recognized immediately. There’s a child’s drawing depicting the demon taped to a bookshelf. Other demonic creatures are on the wall, an out of place white rabbit and a tea set. Anyone familiar with the Alice in Wonderland abuse tactic described by abuse survivors and KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation documents (aka the CIA torture guide) would be just as infuriated by this as I am. It’s no coincidence the boy pictured with BAAL is wearing red shoes … this is a reference to the Red Shoe Club (which is a name used for those committing these sadistic acts).

Whether or not you believe this cult exists, isn’t the point. The point is, these well-known, symbolic items are all related to the same cult & they were put together in the same photo on purpose.

It’d be one thing if there were symbols being tied to different “conspiracy theories”. These are related – that’s not a coincidence. They knew how these symbols would be interpreted. Either way you look at it – this was deliberate and SICK!
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